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Educational Talent Search (ETS) Program


Link to application

The Educational Talent Search (ETS) Program, hosted at Eastern Kentucky University, is funded by the U.S. Department of Education. ETS currently serves middle school and high school students in the following Kentucky counties: Estill, Garrard, Jackson, Lee and Madison.

As a college access and success program, the Talent Search program identifies and assists individuals who have the potential to succeed in higher education (community college, vocational/technical school, four-year college or university, or proprietary school).

ETS provides opportunities for personal skill development, career exploration, interest inventories, guidance and mentoring, referrals to tutoring programs, information on postsecondary institutions; financial aid and scholarships, financial literacy, STEM (science, technology, engineering & math) activities, civic learning and engagement, guidance on and assistance in secondary school reentry, and workshops for families of participants.

The programs and activities are specially designed for students who are traditionally underrepresented in postsecondary education, students from low-income families, students who could potentially be "first-generation" college students, students with disabilities, students who are homeless, in foster care, aging out of the foster care system or other disconnected students. Two-thirds of all ETS participants must meet the federal income and first-generation guidelines set by the US Department of Education.

The ETS Program has an on-going application and selection process.  ETS representatives work with participants in group and individual sessions. All services and activities are FREE!

THE EKU Educational Talent Search (TRIO) Program, is funded at $424,384 in federal funds from the U.S. Department of Education for the 2022-2023 grant year (September 1, 2022 thru August 31, 2023). This disclosure is made in compliance with Public Law 108-447 Sec 506.

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